We just received confirmation, via the attached photo, that political operative Jaime Abeytia is supporting the campaign of Jackie “Arroyo” Butler for County Precinct 1.
Abeytia was well known in El Paso political circles for his Lion Star Blog before it was shut down on September 29, 2022. He had used the platform to attack his political opponents, often defaming or demeaning them if they were White, Republican or affiliated with a Democratic faction he did not like.
Martin Paredes published his extensive criminal record in October 2014 and March 2015, but Abeytia continued to operate anyway, thanks to generous financial support from Vince Perez and Claudia Ordaz.
Abeytia has continued to sell his services to one candidate or another, but usually below the radar since his mere presence is considered by many to be toxic.
But now there is Jackie “Arroyo” Butler, candidate for County Commissioner of Precinct 1, who is apparently associated with the racist but unwilling to say so publicly.
We can hardly blame her.
When we wrote to her to ask for confirmation, she flat-out refused, telling us to wait for her next campaign finance report.
Her February 26 report does not show any expenditure for Jaime Abeytia.
But today Sammy C sent us the attached photo, which seems to confirm Abeytia’s involvement in Butler’s campaign.
So there you have it.
Butler, who is a committed progressive with a platform calling for expanding County government and raising taxes, is reaching deep into the gutter for logistical and operational support.
Vote against her.
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