Cassandra Hernandez began her stint as a City Council Representative on June 27, 2017 and her final day in office is today.
El Paso has suffered 2,757 days under her reign, and in that time she voted to increase our property tax six times, issue hundreds of millions in non-voter-approved debt, and advance every single insolvent boondoggle that came across her desk.
She also managed to earn a Letter of Reprimand for stealing City gasoline, and then she ran for Mayor and lost by a huge margin. Recently she was caught in her “undergarments” with her Legislative Aide by her husband Jeremy Jordan, who beat him up so badly he had to be hospitalized.
According to our Atomic Gassandra Clock, which is accurate to the nanosecond, Hernandez will be replaced by her successor in approximately 3 hours and 4 minutes.
Someone should drop a special ball in Times Square at 7:00pm, with each foot the ball drops representing $1 million of taxpayer money she wasted!
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