EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — U.S. Army Veteran Robert Jeskey contributed over $10,000 to the Sun Bowl Association for two initiatives.
After retiring from the army over a decade ago, Jeskey has been volunteering his time to El Paso and the Sun Bowl Association.
This year Jeskey said many collaborations were planned to come up with additional funding for a jeep restoration project to use a WW II military jeep to pull the veteran’s float.
“This is an actual real-life jeep, still has data plates in the VIN number and everything. So, we wanted to completely restore it,” Jeskey said.
The second reason for the donation was to help sponsor the Gold Star gaming teams for the youth.
“It is an e-sports competition,” Jeskey said.
In the last few years, Jeskey had become well known in the gamer streaming platform and was able to raise thousands of dollars.
Jeskey told KTSM it is not about the money and fame; it is about the children.
“We wanted the kids to know it’s not just the military kids that had been lost, it’s even the kids here in El Paso that have lost somebody in the line of duty by a police or fire, medical, COVID, the border, Border Patrol agents, you know, anybody that serves the people come on out and see what’s going on. Let the kids know that there’s more to the community than just where you’re at with your family, ” Jeskey said.
Jeskey said this would also be the first for the Borderland to have a gaming and e-sports competition hosted by the Sun Bowl and its affiliates.
He said this was his way of giving back and contributing hoping that the community would join in on the initiative.
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