by Max Grossman Those in our media who have had contact with the City’s Director of Strategic Communications, Laura Cruz-Acosta, will not be surprised to learn that she barred reporters from interviewing…
Category: Blogs
The latest from the border blogosphere.
Ethics Complaint Against Claudia Rodriguez Moves To Ethics Commission
On August 28, 2023, Phillip Laign filed an ethics complaint against former city representative Claudia Rodriguez. In his complaint, Laign alleges that Rodriguez misused her city-issued and taxpayer funded gasoline card by…
El Chuqueño Blog – Bait and Switch
by Rich Wright From The federal government plans to spend up to $700 million on an expansion of the international Bridge of the Americas and U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, spoke…
The Border Chronicle – It’s The Border Chronicle’s second anniversary!
When we started this newsletter in September 2021 with a grant from Substack, we thought we’d give it a go for a year. The Substack funding ran out in 2022, which was…
by Max Grossman Our property tax consists of the combined levies of five local taxing entities. If you live within the El Paso Independent School District as I do, those entities are the…
History Shows That El Paso City Council Recall Petitions Always Fail – Here Is Why
Most recently, a recall signature drive was launched against Joe Molinar after the city council reprimanded him for harassing a female city staff member. The recall of Molinar failed after the deadline…
The Border Chronicle – “People Need Representation”: A Podcast with Immigration Lawyer Margo Cowan
Margo Cowan in 2017. (Photo credit: Keep Tucson Together) Share In July the Board of Immigration Appeals ordered that prominent federal immigration lawyer and longtime community organizer Margo Cowan be barred for…
The Border Chronicle – “An Occupying Force”: Florida Troopers Descend on Texas Border Communities
Today’s post is part of a nationwide collaboration among newsrooms called Democracy Day, which will take place on September 15. The intent is to draw attention to the crisis facing American democracy,…
El Chuqueño Blog – Us and Them
The problem with giving our “public servants” big salaries is that it changes who they are and who they serve. When you’re pulling down $100k plus, you are living in a different…